Is a ‘Dull Axe’ hindering your marketing?

Imagine walking up to a man trying to chop down a tree in the forest. He’s struggling with all his might and yet he’s barely made any progress. You look at him and you see that he is chopping at this tree vigorously and has been at it for quite some time. He’s intent on getting the tree down. He has a single focus and is using all the proper leverage and perfect technique, but as you get closer you see there is one thing out of place.

He’s using a dull blade. You say to the man . . . “Hey buddy why don’t you just sharpen your blade, you’ll get the job done twice as fast?”

He replies . . .. “No time! Can’t you see I’m trying to chop down this tree?”


Well, when I first started network marketing I was this guy out in the forest trying to chop down my tree of successfully building a downline. I hacked at it. I tried all the techniques I was told were “right” and I was intent on using them with all my might until my goal was reached.

Unfortunately, the guy in our example above had one advantage over me. He had someone actually come up to him and point out his problem.

The sad truth is . . . If someone had done this for me I probably would have given them the same response that our man with the axe above gave. I would have said . . . “Can’t you see I’m trying to build a downline? I don’t have time for that!”

While in the act and exerting all our energy to a task, we give very little time to reflection on what may truly help us be more successful. We think that if we just keep “hacking away” that sooner or later we will be successful in achieving our end goal. While this may hold true . . .. Wouldn’t a sharper blade make that struggle a whole lot easier?

I hear a question brewing . . . “You say a blade, but what does this equate to in network marketing?”


peter300x300-roundAll I’ll say is this . . . You can’t consistently recruit a good number of people in a month with personal contact or with the phone, but when you learn to leverage the awesome power of the internet to your advantage you end up with a mighty sharp marketing blade that can!


Your Dot Com Pal

Peter Grant



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