How to Build a Community

There are many different strategies for driving traffic to your site and increasing customer retention. While you could spend large sums of money on advertising and marketing, there ... Continue Reading →

Choosing the Right Social Media Platform

Using social media to connect with customers, increase your online exposure, and boost your SEO are all great reasons to include social media in your internet marketing strategies. ... Continue Reading →

5 Strategies for Breathing New Life into Your Internet Marketing

It’s easy to let your internet marketing strategies get away from you. As your business expands and you get busy with various tasks, you might begin to pay less attention to your ... Continue Reading →

How To Optimize Conversion Rates

Are you finding it difficult to increase your conversion rates? If you can’t convert your traffic into sales, then what’s the point of your marketing efforts? It can be incredibly ... Continue Reading →

IM Freedom Workshop

Hello Pennsylvania!! The 2 hour IM Freedom Workshop is coming to the Philadelphia area in July.   Don’t miss out on this powerful FREE training ….. FREE Workshop ... Continue Reading →

A “Cyber” GPS

Up until 1983, GPS technology was one of the United States Military’s best kept secrets. It allowed the US to position ships, aircraft, soldiers, and equipment quickly, accurately, ... Continue Reading →

The 10 Topic Sales Page That Sells

Sales pages take many different forms, but share the same basic structure: 1. Headline 2. Sub Headline 3. Presentation of the problem 4. Introduction of your product as the solution ... Continue Reading →

Marketing for FREE….

The easiest type of free marketing is social media marketing. This has taken on increased importance in the wake of the Panda and Penguin upgrades to the Google search engine algorithm. ... Continue Reading →

The 80/20 Rule and Your Marketing

Are you familiar with the 80/20 rule in life?  Vilfredo Pareto found that when he plotted the frequency of an activity, 20% of the activities resulted in 80% of the cumulative results. I ... Continue Reading →

New Opportunity Makes Money

  Two US Vets Prove New Opportunity Makes Money ACCESS MORE INFORMATION HERE Continue Reading →

5 Ways to Maximize Affiliate Profits

Selecting affiliate products to promote. This video emphasizes the importance of social signals to improve webpage ranking. It enumerates surefire tips to use social media for promoting ... Continue Reading →

Launch Your Own Domain

Another of the QUICK TIPS series of Video training: How to Launch Your Own Domain. Continue Reading →

YouTube Tips

YouTube can become your greatest traffic generator if you only know how. Even without any video making experience after watching this video you will have the knowledge necessary to ... Continue Reading →

Twitter Marketing Tips

An introduction to using Twitter for marketing, growing your brand and expanding your network of followers.   Continue Reading →

Classified Tips for Traffic

This short video teaches in 5 easy steps how posting in online classified sites like Craigslist can drive more traffic to your website and generate new leads for online marketers.   Continue Reading →

The Relevancy of Infographics today

As a means to generating inbound traffic to your content, infographics are something to carefully consider. As long as your infographic is compelling, useful, and visually pleasing, ... Continue Reading →

Is a ‘Dull Axe’ hindering your marketing?

Imagine walking up to a man trying to chop down a tree in the forest. He’s struggling with all his might and yet he’s barely made any progress. You look at him and you see ... Continue Reading →

SEO Misconceptions

Image Source – CEO in his office at Red Hat In the ever changing world of internet and social marketing many misconceptions exist about a multitude of subjects. Take SEO for ... Continue Reading →

Content Marketing Tips

Successful content marketing is a moving target. As this article from the Content Marketing Institute points out, you need different content for different classes of viewers. Are they ... Continue Reading →

Use Social Media to find …….

Every marketer wants to know what people are thinking about his product, service, website or blog. Here’s a great article by Pam Moore who describes herself as half geek and ... Continue Reading →

12 More Paychecks

Imagine waking up on you 64th birthday and realizing that you’ll only receive 12 more paychecks before you are forced to retire. WOULD YOU BE AFRAID? VERY AFRAID? It’s ... Continue Reading →

3 Steps To Creating High Converting Headlines

High converting headlines share 3 special qualities. First, they must be clear without any ambiguity.  Second, high converting headlines also include a sub headline that finalizes ... Continue Reading →

4 Ways To Attract More Web Site Visitors

Right now, people have more unrestricted access to information, entertainment and other content than in any other time in history. While that is great for people looking to be informed, ... Continue Reading →