How to do TITLES and TAGS for Etsy Search (+ 5 mistakes to avoid!) | Etsy SEO Keyword Strategy 2020

As found on Youtube Continue Reading →

How to Promote Your Channel (To The Top) – 6 Tips

  – Now when you think of promoting something, what do you initially think about? Maybe cheesy giveaways, or slick salespeople who are just trying to get you to buy something. ... Continue Reading →

Massive Savings on Doodle Video Software

The World’s best Doodle Video Software just became available for EVERYONE. Normally priced at $297.00 we’ve been able to get you a whopping 87% discount. You save $258.00 on ... Continue Reading →

How to Keep Users from Unsubscribing to Your Mailing List

Having an effective email marketing strategy can be a major boost for any business. In fact, most businesses rely heavily on their mailing lists. They help generate sales leads. The ... Continue Reading →

IM Freedom Workshop Coming to Minneapolis May 4th to 7th

Hello Minnesota!! The 2 hour IM Freedom Workshop is coming to the Minneapolis area in May.   Don’t miss out on this powerful FREE training ….. FREE Workshop Reveals ... Continue Reading →

Leverage the Power of the Internet

Some businesses grow so big, so fast, that it almost seems like they’re flukes in the system. Take AirBnB for example. I mean, how does a little business with a crazy idea EXPLODE ... Continue Reading →

Wealth Dynamics Test

The world’s leading profiling tool for entrepreneurs. Take the test to find out which of the eight wealth profiles is your natural path. Your personalized report will give you ... Continue Reading →

Twitter Marketing Tips

An introduction to using Twitter for marketing, growing your brand and expanding your network of followers.   Continue Reading →

Classified Tips for Traffic

This short video teaches in 5 easy steps how posting in online classified sites like Craigslist can drive more traffic to your website and generate new leads for online marketers.   Continue Reading →

The Relevancy of Infographics today

As a means to generating inbound traffic to your content, infographics are something to carefully consider. As long as your infographic is compelling, useful, and visually pleasing, ... Continue Reading →

Is a ‘Dull Axe’ hindering your marketing?

Imagine walking up to a man trying to chop down a tree in the forest. He’s struggling with all his might and yet he’s barely made any progress. You look at him and you see ... Continue Reading →

SEO Misconceptions

Image Source – CEO in his office at Red Hat In the ever changing world of internet and social marketing many misconceptions exist about a multitude of subjects. Take SEO for ... Continue Reading →

Content Marketing Tips

Successful content marketing is a moving target. As this article from the Content Marketing Institute points out, you need different content for different classes of viewers. Are they ... Continue Reading →

Use Social Media to find …….

Every marketer wants to know what people are thinking about his product, service, website or blog. Here’s a great article by Pam Moore who describes herself as half geek and ... Continue Reading →

12 More Paychecks

Imagine waking up on you 64th birthday and realizing that you’ll only receive 12 more paychecks before you are forced to retire. WOULD YOU BE AFRAID? VERY AFRAID? It’s ... Continue Reading →

3 Steps To Creating High Converting Headlines

High converting headlines share 3 special qualities. First, they must be clear without any ambiguity.  Second, high converting headlines also include a sub headline that finalizes ... Continue Reading →