1. Write a list. This should contain 15 to 25 unknown words. Search for definitions of each word in a dictionary and write them down. Write sentences that contain more than six words and include the word in its correct context. For example, if the list contains the word “infamous”, which means of bad reputation, write a phrase, something like: “The name of the bandit was infamous even in this remote region.” Then write a story, newspaper entry or a postcard that contains all the words in your list. This makes words immediately interesting and helps you memorize them.

2. Form a study group. Interactive learning is more enjoyable than studying alone. You could, for example, organize a study session that focuses on the adjectives when selecting a book that everyone has read or a popular TV show. Ask each person to describe a character or an event using as many adjectives as possible.

3. Explore word associations. Mental imagery and associations help you memorize words.

4. Read books and poems. Reading is one of the most effective ways to learn new words because they become fascinating and meaningful when we are engrossed in a book or a poem. Students memorize a word quickly and effortlessly if they carry a sequence of action related to life. Poets and authors use words in multiple forms that help readers understand the subtlety and power of language. A text can include words that can be interpreted literally and metaphorically. If a poet writes about trees casting shadows on the landscape, for example, the word shadows could also suggest a sense of sadness and melancholy, especially if the rest of the poem conveys a sense of sadness. Want to make some money with a proven DFY System?


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