Use Social Media to find …….


Every marketer wants to know what people are thinking about his product, service, website or blog. Here’s a great article by Pam Moore who describes herself as half geek and half marketer but 100% social nut. She explains how we can discover answers to these questions and much more about our prospective or existing customers and clients.

Social networks present all of us with focus groups that are alive and dynamic 24/7, 365 days of the year. Any time of day or night there are people online, ready to engage and likely give you feedback by way of their actions or conversations.

It is important for marketers to focus on the needs of their customer as a top priority before developing any marketing program, campaign or piece of content marketing.

Would you like to learn…

  • what people think about your brand?

  • What people think of your service?

  • What people think of your employees?

  • What people think of your store location?

  • What people think of your website or blog?

  • What people think of your content?

  • What people think of your competition?

  • What people think of industry influencer in your niche?


Read the entire story here

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